Friday, March 17, 2006


I am nearing the end of my current employment. The project I am working on is nearing the sustainment stage so the company is de-staffing people. There was a big round of de-staffing in February and I was on the chopping block. I was lucky enough to catch a break because a couple of people on my team that were not on the chopping block moved to different projects. So was able to fill one of their slots.

I have until the end of May to find another position within the company, otherwise I'll be transitioning to the unemployment lines by the end of June.

I'm kind of want to move into a different line of work. I sitll want to develop software, but if I could develop accounting software or business management software that would be great.


Over the next few days I'll be posting some of the applications I have developed. None of them are ready to be published, and most of them were created out of the neccessity to learn about a particular programming technique. The first one is called CRStore. I was developing this one for my wife. She wanted an application to store her different website usernames and passwords. Here are some screenshots of it.

Main Screen

Edit an Item

Add a New Item


What I was trying to do is use an XML file to store the website, username and password data. I used an XML parser to parse the XML file and display the data in a tree object. I was also trying to find a way to encrypt the data in the file. This proved daunting and I'm still trying to figure out how to do it.

Now all I need to do is find some place online to store the files so anyone can look at them.