Dream Car
I have a few dream cars such as Lotus, Ferrari, Lamborghini. Those are unrealistic dream cars for me, but I saw my realistic dream car on the road the other day. I couldn't believe it. I've been waiting for this car and didn't even know it. I've always loved the older Mustang and the styling of this car takes me back to those days.
When I was growing up my dad was a Chevy man, so I grew up a Chevy man as well, but the Mustang was always in the back of my mind. The older style coupled with the latest technology is a big hit for me. This one has a V8 and 300 horsepower. It'll go from 0 to 60mph in 5.1 seconds. My wife would say that those specs don't matter, what good is a fast car if you can't drive faster than 55-75mph... I would guess that most ladies would agree with her. But it does matter to us men. It's not that we would drive fast all the time, it's that we could if we wanted, or needed, too.
If you look at the gallery I think the yellow one looks best in pictures. I'll have to see if that holds true for the real thing. I may go test drive one just to see what's it's like. A co-worker of mine has one on order and I'm looking forward to seeing it when it gets in.